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Saturday, 27 July 2024
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Commodities Exchanges


RankMulti-Asset ExchangesCountryTotal Annual Volume1Commodities Traded
1. NYSE Liffe London
United Kingdom 660,976,088
Cocoa, Coffee, Sugar, Wheat
2. Intercontinential Exchange FuturesEurope United Kingdom 217,120,773 Carbon Credits, Coal, Crude Oil, Electricity, Gas, Gas Oil,
3. London Metal Exchange United Kingdom 120,258,119 Aluminium, Cobalt, Copper, Lead, Plastics (LLDPE & PP), Molybdenum, Nickel, Steel, Tin, Zinc
4. NYSE Liffe Paris France 58,302,870 Barley, Corn, Rapeseed, Wheat

Middle East

RankMulti-Asset ExchangesCountryTotal Annual Volume1Commodities Traded
1. Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange
UAE 1,925,000
Crude Oil, Fuel Oil, Gold, Silver, Steel
2. Dubai Mercantile Exchange UAE 744,727 Crude Oil

Source: The Asian Banker

An aggregate of the number of trades of all financial instruments for 2010

Agricultural: Almond, Barley, Cardamon, Chana, Coriander, Corn, Guar Seed, Kapas, Kapasia Khalli, Melted Menthol Flakes, Mentha Oil, Palm Oil, Potatoes, Rubber, Soybeans, Soya Oil, Turmeric, Wheat

Energy: Aviation Turbine Fuel, Brent Crude Oil, Electricity, Gasoline, Heating Oil, Imported Thermal Coal, Natural Gas

Metals: Aluminium, Copper, Gold, Lead, Nickel, Platinum, Silver, Steel, Tin, Zinc

Agricultural: Barley, Cashew, Castor Seed, Chana, Chili, Coffee, Cotton, Palm Oil, Mustard Oil, Groundnut, Guar, Gur, Rice, Jeera, Jute, Massor, Mulberry, Pepper, Potato, Rapeseed, Rubber, Soybean, Sugar, Turmeric, Kapas, Wheat, Yellow Peas

Metals: Aluminium, Copper, Gold, Iron, Nickel, Silver, Steel, Zinc

Plastics: PP, PTA, PVC

4Agricultural: Cocoa, Coffee, Cotton, Sugar

Energy: Crude Oil, Electricity, Fuel Oil, Gas, Uranium

Metals: Aluminium, Copper, Gold, Palladium, Platinum, Silver